The Blind Side Of The Heart
From the author of the critically acclaimed novel A Brother’s Blood, comes a haunting story about an Irish housekeeper named Maggie Quinn, who must discover the truth when her friend, the parish priest, is accused of horrible crimes.
Discussion questions for The Blind Side of the Heart
1. Why does Maggie defend Father Jack so doggedly?
2. What are some of the implications of the novel’s title?
3. Near the end of the novel Maggie is folding clothes and thinks back to a time when she saw Justin come to the back door. She thinks about him and Father Jack in a certain new light. In what way does she look upon them?
4. What does the novel say about small towns?
5. Priest abuse has grown into a national problem, one of enormous implications for the Catholic Church. Does the novel take sides in this debate?
6. Does Mr. Leo love Maggie? How do his feelings for her “blind” him to certain things?